It may seem peculiar to label The Intouchables (translated as Untouchables), a movie that features a tetraplegic multimillionaire ‘froth,’ but it fits. Neil thought it sounded intriguing because it’s one of the biggest hits to come out of France. The plot involves a white, rich tetraplegic (Philippe) and his developing friendship with his black, ex-thief care worker (Driss). It’s been pretty much loved everywhere around the world except in the U.S. Some critics have charged that it smacks of Uncle Tomism. I’m not sure why two men of different ethnicities and economic classes having fun together is such an offense politically, but I guess I’m either not looking deep enough – and, as I’ve said, this is a superficial movie – or I choose not to look at everything popular with a chip on my shoulder.
Philippe and Driss On a Wild Ride |
This is basically a buddy movie and it proceeds smoothly and without much ingenuity or originality. I guess it can’t be too original because it’s revealed that it’s based on a true story. Why that matters at all is beyond me since this is